It's really hard to get a good picture of a hummingbird, even when it's on the feeder. Thanks to a tripod and lots of patience, there was some success. Here's what I snapped over the last few days. You can click on the pictures to see the full size version.
In the sunlight these birds are brilliant reds, golds and greens. Just like lights. And they're so tiny!
This is the trusty security dog, Mungo.
This is an endangered species, the Northern Flicker. Undersides of the wings are bright orange, and the males have big red spots on their cheeks. You can see the spots on her chest - when those feathers are parted and you can see a single one, they're white with perfect black hearts on the bottoms, but because of how they lay, only a black spot can be seen.
This is the outlaw, Lola. Nobody seems to like her, but I do. She's young and gets too curious for her own good. She's a very nervous cat and sometimes pulls out her hair, and she's very loving. She got along with Mungo and Charlie right away.
Dang, it turned out kinda blurry. This is the Chestnut-back Chickadee. They're also so small at 3 inches, but taller than a hummingbird.
Here's ol' Jack, the best birder in the county. He loves Lola so much they can't be separated. Everyone seems to like him, and he's a big cat, heavy too.
Another Chickadee shot.
Look carefully; just left of center, look for the black tail. There's a deer that stopped to watch us go by on the road. They're so well camouflaged!
Here are some weather we encountered on one of our jaunts into town.
The one below I want to blow up.
I don't know what this bird is, but it was in the yard. I'll look it up.